All in Tangents

New Tides, New Adventures

I got married last week in Puerto Rico. I also just got off a seven-day honeymoon cruise sailing around the Lesser Antilles.

But a week before all this, I was informed that my cush two-day per week position at a creative agency was being phased out. It was actually more like a heartfelt request to come back full-time, or else move on, which was equal parts flattering and frustrating. One thing it wasn’t was confusing. As soon as the ultimatum was thrown down, I knew my decision: I was outta there.

Wet Green Glory – A Daydream

The hill sloped steeply down from the mountain. Sharp black crags faded to green as the meadow ate its way up the foothills. The story is the same as far as the eye can see – emerald valley marching into the blue-grey haze of atmosphere with its river spine snaking chasing the horizon.

This is Ireland, he says quietly to no one. This was a good idea.

Man Versus Machine

I hacked the sucker.

I broke him wide open.

Put the screws to the mammajamma.

Or rather, removed the screws from the mammajamma, did some wigglin’ and a snippin’ and then screwed the screws back in the sucker.

Apologies for the abstraction. I am illustrating my morning battle with my Keurig coffee maker, and the resultant hack I was forced (nay, willingly embarked upon) to correct its character and insubordinate behavior.

But first, why was I battling with the caffeine machine?

1 Step for Step 1: Dreaming BIG & building BIGGER

Mmmm, that’s a delicious dream.

So big! So YOU!

Can’t you just taste the juicy future?

Once achieved, this dream will forever mark that milestone in your life when you went from “meh” to MIGHTY!

Oh no, but it’s so far away...and there’s so many steps...and boy...the effort it’ll demand…

You know what, never mind. It’ll never happen…

3 Counterintuitive Meditation Tips for the Busy-Minded

"Let the battle begin." I think to myself as I adjust my ass on the cushion.

"Breathe in for a count of 1, 2, 3...and exhale, 1, 2, 3..." The disembodied voice soothes at us. "Notice the muscles in your face. Notice your brow, your eyes, your jaw...and allow all tension to melt away...1, 2, 3..."

"Melt" I think. "Cheese" I think. "Chuck E. Cheese" I think. "Man, what a terrible job that would be, to have to sit in a sweaty rat suit all day while kids run around punching and kicking you in your sensitive rat-parts...".

"Darn it! Back to the goddamn breath...1, 2, 3"

My adversary has made his first move.

400 Million Years of Wisdom: What Freelancers Can Learn From Sharks

I wanted to begin this article with a hook like, "Freelancers are like sharks, if we stop moving we die". I also wanted to reap some backlink relevance by citing The Discovery Channel's post on this topic...but in reading the article I was shocked to find this frequently used expression a well publicized myth rather than an old truth. 

Bummer right? What a stellar intro that would've been...