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How to Tolerate Art Styles You Secretly Despise

Let's face it, not all art is created equal. Sometimes you walk into a gallery and see a painting that looks like a toddler got into the finger paints, or a sculpture that resembles a pile of garbage. And yet, art snobs will tell you that you have to appreciate every style, no matter how hideous it may be. Well, fear not my fellow art haters, because there is a philosophy that can help you swallow even the ugliest of art styles. It's called tolerance, and it's a magical little tool that can make you look like a cultured art lover without having to actually enjoy the art.

So, how do you practice tolerance when it comes to art you secretly despise? Here are a few tips:

  1. Put on your poker face. When you come across a piece of art that you secretly think is atrocious, do your best to keep your face neutral. You don't want to give away your inner thoughts and risk being labeled as uncultured.

  2. Find the humor in it. Even the ugliest art can be funny if you look at it the right way. Try to find the humor in the absurdity of the piece. Maybe it looks like a pile of garbage, but hey, at least it's not actually smelly.

  3. Pretend to appreciate the technique. If you can't find any humor in the art, try to appreciate the technical skill that went into creating it. Even if it's a style that you would never hang in your own home, you can still respect the artist's ability to create it. Or at least the large chunk of life wasted making it.

  4. Make up your own meaning. If you're really struggling to appreciate a piece of art, make up your own meaning for it. Maybe that abstract painting of a red dot on a white canvas is actually a commentary on the futility of existence. Who knows, maybe you'll even convince yourself that it's profound. It’s a lot easier than it sounds.

  5. Fake it 'til you make it. If all else fails, fake your appreciation for the art. Nod your head thoughtfully, stroke your chin, and say things like "ah yes, I can really see the passion in this piece." It’s not actually that difficult to convince the art snobs around you that you're a true connoisseur.

Tolerance may not make you a true art lover, but it can certainly help you navigate the art world without giving away your inner thoughts. So, the next time you come across a piece of art that makes you want to run screaming naked into hell, just remember these tips and you'll be able to stomach it like a pro.