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New Tides, New Adventures

I got married last week in Puerto Rico. I also just got off a seven-day honeymoon cruise sailing around the Lesser Antilles.

But a week before all this, I was informed that my cush two-day per week position at a creative agency was being phased out. It was actually more like a heartfelt request to come back full-time, or else move on, which was equal parts flattering and frustrating. One thing it wasn’t was confusing. As soon as the ultimatum was thrown down, I knew my decision: I was outta there.

The Van Man

During my latest snowbird road trip to Portland, OR to escape the summer heat of Phoenix, AZ, I met a man.

This man lived in a van.

I had just driven my car through a redwood at Drive-Thru Tree Park (aptly named) and had parked to relieve myself and stretch my legs. As I moseyed into the meadow, I noticed a man and two dogs walking towards me back to the lot.

He noticed my noticing and nodded a salutation.

I nodded back, “Beautiful beasts you’ve got there.”

“Wanna meet ‘em?” He called back.

First Fruits

The 2nd espresso hits the bottom of your belly like Molotov, exploding fire into your spirit and whipping energy up your spine.

“I’m ready!”

But ready for what?

“Ready to give my gift to the world, of course!”

But which gift? And more importantly, which world?

To whom shall you bequeath your first fruits?

Choose carefully, for this is how you build your life…

Everyone's a Boss (in the worst way)

Total autonomy.

Yea, that’s we want. No one to tell us what to do. Ever.

No one setting a bar or a deadline, no one telling us when to start and stop work, no one dangling a paycheck in front of our noses like a carrot on a stick beckoning the cart-pulling donkey ever forward yet forever out of reach.

“I wanna be my own boss!” we say. “I wanna set my own schedule! I wanna call my own shots! I wanna be free!”

Mmmm, a delicious series of sentiments. What a drag it truly is that this fabled “bosslessness” doesn’t exist…

Your Money, or Your Life?

Your money or your life?

You may think the answer is clear, but take an honest look at your life. Most of us, yours truly included, choose our money. As I write, on April 24th 2021, it really does seem like something is in the water…

Big Fishbein, Small Pond - The Law of Averages & The Key to Happiness

Most folks are possessed by one of two fears:

#1 - "I'm not doing enough, not dreaming big enough. I'm lazy and will never really achieve the thing in life that will truly fulfill."

#2 - "I'm too ambitious, I dream too big. I'm afraid that my eyes are always so focused on the future milestones I'm missing out on the joys of the present...and upon my death bed I'll realize in horror the life I could've lived.

I am unfortunately afflicted with both.

Mayhaps not so unfortunate...but before I spoil the ending, allow me to begin at the beginning.

Passion is Foolish: Pursue it Anyway

"She'll sob for hours staring at the wall. Nothing I say helps."

I happened to overhear this as I sat outside of El Cortez in Brooklyn last week preparing for a night of Karaoke with an old friend. There were two guys, perhaps late 20's early 30's, having a conversation. They were just drunk enough to be perfectly articulate yet entirely oblivious to my being within earshot.